Mold Removal Unit

Mold Patrol Microbial Testing & Analysis

About Mold Patrol
Mold Detection
Types of Mold
Health Risks
Mold Removal
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Mold Patrol Testing Unit

Mold Removal Unit Original News Articles

The Dangers of Hidden Mold in the Home and How to Find It - The effects of hidden mold in the home, health concerns, and the importance of early detection.

The Importance of a Mold Inspection - The importance of mold inspection when buying a property including home test vs professional inspection.

A Mold Test Can Create a Healthier Home - Facts about mold including how to conduct a mold test and when to call a mold remediation specialist.

The Facts about Mold and Asthma - The facts about mold and asthma, including mold allergy symptoms and prevention methods. Also discusses the effect of mold exposure on other respiratory conditions.

What is Toxic Mold? - Discusses exactly what is toxic mold and the dangers of toxic mold exposure.

Procedure for Carpet Mold Removal - Carpet mold removal tips including how to clean infected areas safely and effectively.

Choosing the Best Air Purifiers - Provides information about the best air purifiers including electronic and HEPA purifiers.

Mold Home Test Kits Expose the Dangers of Indoor Air - How to use mold home test kits to expose toxins in your household air.

The Benefits of an Air Purifier - Provides information about indoor air mold and how an air purifier works to help improve indoor air quality.

Mold allergy: Symptoms and Prevention - Provides information about mold allergy awareness including symptoms, prevention, testing, and treatment.

Black Mold 101 - Discusses black mold detection, prevention, and removal.


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